Friday, February 26, 2010

Stonewall Jackson YDC

Kevin reports:

Tonight at SJS we ministered on the person of Jesus Christ. The biggest surprise was that a lot of the guys thought we are below the angels. We were able to show them that God loves us as His children, not just as His servants!

On Thursday evenings Kevin leads a team into the youth detention center to minister in small groups, they minister on many different subjects, many different life issues, and other things that concern them, while ministering the Gospel of Jesus Christ to them one on one. This team bears much fruit for the Kingdom of God.

There have been a lot of life changes in the young boys there due to the volunteers being faithful but their team is very small and they could use some help. There is more opportunity to go into other buildings (other small groups) within the SJS compound as the team grows, so if you feel you may have something to offer the team as they minister to the youth there, please call the office or Kevin and we will make arrangements for you to become a part of this life changing team.

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