Thursday, September 30, 2010

Guatemala September 2010

From Jim:

Where can I start, this trip was such a whirlwind.

Friday was basically just a travel day without much in the way of issues but it was a long day non the less. We are two hours ahead (time wise) of Guatemala which made for the rather long,tiring day. We were up at 6:00 am and arrived around 7:00 pm our time.

Saturday was just a time of fellowship with Pastor's Josue and Raul, we needed time to talk with pastor Raul who is the pastor of the Father's Heart Church in Guatemala City. It has been two years since I had been there (because of the cancer I was battling), and there were a lot of things that needed to be talked about along with some encouragement that was badly needed. The people of the church were very concerned because of not hearing from me in such a long time. Pastor Josue took us into the city and blessed us with a couple of really nice meals and some relaxed atmosphere for our talks which seemed to ease the time we spent together.

Sunday morning brought us the privilege of ministering at the Castillo Fuerte Church where we spent an awesome time of worship led by the pastor's wife Lesly, David was able to minister with their worship team and then allowed to lead worship for a time as well.
After David led for a short time I was given the pulpit to speak about totally surrendering to God in every area of our life Pastor Josue told me (as well as others) after the service that they had someone else the week before who ministered almost exactly the same thing, he also told me that he had ministered another part of the message on Wednesday evening during their regular service.
During the alter call many repented and sought Jesus for healing as well, there were many who received their healing along with a little girl (she had heard me testify about how God had healed my torn rotor cuff during a time of worship) who received her healing with child like faith. I prayed for her the first time after which she told me she still has some pain so we prayed again, then she held her arm up and said "It's Done!" What a awesome thing to watch.

Sunday evening we went to The Father's Heart church and ministered much the same way (with a different message) and watched the people repent at the alter and then they lined up for prayer for healing. Many received their healing including a man who had been carried in by two men in a plastic lawn chair. He didn't even have a wheel chair! This man could not talk either. I laid hands on him with the help of the other pastors in the church (more on this later) and we lifted him out of his chair, helped him take a few steps, and watched as he tried to leap and dance. Not only did he walk but he started talking as well. What an awesome night.

Here is the later part: When David and I walked in, there were five other pastors there who are from many outlying ares of Guatemala (one from the Honduran Border) who are also under the covering of The Father's Heart Ministries as well. These all came to welcome me back, to say I was touched is an extreme understatement!

Monday was a little different as we had no definite plans for Monday evening but did have a really good meeting with six pastors and some of their families for breakfast. We were able to video them with a short discourse of who they are, where they pastor, and what their vision is for their church. We have some who are building new churches in Aldea's (small villages), those who are working with broken families, some who are doing evangelism (buses, parks, even in the stores), all with a hunger for working for the kingdom of God, not to build their selves up or their personal ministries.

After lunch we were asked what we wanted to do for Monday evening, David and I prayed for divine appointments and were later picked up by another pastor and his brother who (after another meeting) asked us to come to their cell group meeting. They were very apologetic because they only had ten people coming to the meeting and wanted to have us minister to more. But God!!!!! had another plan, when the cell group found out we were coming, they called one another and the church was full! David led worship and I spoke to them. The service was awesome, after the word I was able to lay hands on most all of the church and on those who were sick, to received their healing. This was one of the most powerful services I have ever been in.

God has been so good to us to let us be a part of the work going on there and we can't wait to get back there.

Please be in prayer for our next trip which we are planning for early April.

Want to go? Give us a call, Jim

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Fathers Heart Ministries Volunteer Picnic

From Jim:

We will be having a picnic on Saturday the 31st of July for our volunteers and their families at Frank Lisk Park in Concord, NC.

The Father's Heart will be providing the hamburgers, and hot dogs, along with the buns for the day. We will also provide the ice, paper plates and drink cups for your use.

Please come and bring your families, we have 2 shelters reserved for the day. There are tennis courts, volleyball courts, horse shoe courts, etc. available for our use for the day as well.

Please come, bring a side dish and/or a desert and your favorite drink to share.

This will be an opportunity to get to know and fellowship with the other volunteers as well as those you minister with on a regular basis. You will also be able to meet other ministry leaders who would love to meet you as well. We are also planning on inviting the Chaplains from the area to come and fellowship with us.

The shelters we have reserved are Wildlife and Vulcan and they are near the tennis courts. We have them for the whole day and we will start cooking around 11:00 so as to be ready to eat around 12:00.

Please come and be a part of something that will bless you and us as we break bread together and share in fun and games for all.

Please call us at the office for directions, details, and to confirm at 704-786-4511

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Guatemala 2010

From Jim:

Since 2003 we have been going to Guatemala two to three times each year to do missions.

These trips have resulted in more salvations than we can count. There have been healings, deliverances, and lives recommitted to Jesus. We have built new relationships with the pastors and people in the local churches in Guatemala, Jalapa, Chiquimula, Chimaltenalgo, and other cities and villages as well.

We have a church plant in Guatemala with a local pastor who loves Jesus and truly has a pastor's heart. He even goes with us to minister in other cities to help evangelize the local people.

We have watched God move in ways that can not be put in type, more times than we can remember.

Last year because of the cancer battle I went through we were unable to take any teams to the mission field but we are now planning our next trip for October of this year.

Our plans are to visit Guatemala city to minister in a youth conference where the last time we were there, we watched God not only train up, but mightily use them to bring about change in their community.

We are then planning on visiting Jalapa to train up pastors who will be brought in from far reaching villages that we could not reach in a short term mission trip. We will do this by bringing them in by bus, 4X4, or any means of transportation that will bring them into the city where we will set up a pastors conference in a local venue for the teaching sessions.

To close out our trip, we plan to visit Chiquimula where we will evangelize, this place is the least evangelized area of all Guatemala where there are only 2% Christian.

This trip is planned for October 14th through the 25th and is currently open for new team members. This trip will be life changing for those who have never been and will excite those who already have.

If you are interested in joining us, or contributing to the trip, please call us at our office or email us to let us know. Contact information below.

The Father's Heart Ministries
Office phone 704-786-4511


From Jim:

Since my battle last year with cancer I have been dealing with "what the doctors call" permanent nerve damage in my hands, arms, and feet so it is sometimes very hard to type. Also I have been somewhat busy as well. There is my excuse for not filling you in on the last couple of services poor as it may be. Today is not so bad so here we go:

Camile Griffith Graham, Saturday the 12th:
I was privileged to lead the team for Tamara with Denea, Lee, Joy, Perry and Dolly to minister to the women.

Joy was our MC for the night and opened with prayer.

Lee ministered in praise and Worship which got the ladies excited about what was to come for the evening. Lee also ministered with encouragement and testimony.

Dolly shared about her troubled relationship with her step father and left the ladies in tears as they dealt with their own issues of unforgiveness.

Denea came up to minister in worship before Perry spoke and was led to share a little about her family heritage before singing, she also had the ladies in tears, both from her testimony as well as her leading us in worship.

Perry then spoke to the women about "Are you a committed christian"? The ladies who attended the service were definitely changed as was the team.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Stonewall Jackson YDC

From Kevin:

Tonight (Thursday)at Stonewall Jackson I shared with the guys about how God will never leave us or forsake us. I shared with them what happened to me Monday when I went to the doctor. My doctor told me that he had prayed for me by name at exactly 11:20 the night before and that God told him, "Don't worry about Kevin, he's OK now." What he didn't know is that I had been struggling with getting into God's presence for quite some time and that all that had changed on Sunday when I went to church. Needless to say we had a mini-camp meeting right there in the examining room! I used to show them that no matter what they are going through or will go through, that God will always be there and they are not forgotten! Oh yeah, Don never got to say anything!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Cabarrus Correctional Center

From Jim:

Last night we met at Mt. Pleasant (Cabarrus Correctional Center) for one of our regularly scheduled services at this camp.

We had a short team last night but Joe came and led us into the Throne room (along with a couple of the units band members) with worship and praise to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. this was Joe's first time with us in several years, in the past he went with us into the youth facilities and I am sure this was a bit different for him but he did a great job, Thanks Joe, we hope you will continue to come with us, it was a joy to serve with you.

Phillip then brought the Word of God to the men speaking about our love being made perfect and "because as He is, so are we in this world".

We had one man come forward to receive Christ as his Savior and Lord, this made the night exceptional for all of us.

Tabor City Correctional Inst. 5/30/210

From Jim:

Sunday morning we got into the van at 8:45 in the morning for the long drive to Tabor City, NC where we were able to do our first morning (actually afternoon) service at this facility, normally we go into this unit in the evenings.

Martha, Denea, and Rev. Lee along with my wife Joy, and I enjoyed a great time of fellowship on the drive down. This sometimes is the highlight of our out of town trips since we get to spend time with our ministry family that we usually do not get too much time with otherwise.

We arrived at the unit around 1:00 in the afternoon and were treated like royalty by the staff, this is not usual at a lot of the places we go, so it is refreshing to be received so well by staff. The officer in charge of us seemed to have a good time with us as well.

Service started with Lee opening with prayer after which she introduced Martha. Those who know Martha know she has a way of getting the crowd excited with her singing praises and worship.

Denea followed her with her own style of worship that the men have received so well, she walks in an awesome anointing to lead the men into the presence of our God and Savior.

Lee then sang a couple of songs, one of which I requested. It sings of the names of God and what they mean. Lee sang this song a couple of weeks back during our service at Mt. Pleasant and God healed my torn rotor cuff in my left arm that has been hurting for over 4 years. This song is kind of special to me because of that healing.

I then had a chance to bring the word to the men about what happens when you truly make Jesus Lord over all of your life.

What made this extra special was after the service the officer in charge came over and shook my hand and thanked me (and the team) for coming. Most of the time the officers can not show their support because they can not show emotion and or what seems like weakness around the men for obvious reasons.

All in all, this was an extra special time of worship for all of us, both the inmates as well as our team.

The drive home seemed to go really fast after this time with the men and with Jesus. We spent over 8 hours on the road and an hour and a half in service and yet it seemed like just a couple of hours to me.

Thank you so much to those who send us, it means more than you can know to us that you still send us during this time of recession when so many have had to stop giving for one reason or another. Things have been really tight, yet there seems to be just enough when we need it because of you. Thank you again, Jim

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Pastor Dom

From Jim:

I just attended a memorial for a very dear man of God who passed last Saturday afternoon. This is a man who loved deeply those around him and showed it by the life he lived.

As I drove up to the church I saw an ocean of cars in the parking lot and I knew this was not going to be the usual memorial service, as we walked up to the door the line was outside the building and all the way across the front to get in.
I told Joy that this was a testimony of who this man of God really was.

The memorial started with music that encouraged us to celebrate this occasion of home going after which there was testimony of how this man encouraged and sowed into so many lives that they could not be numbered.

The message was good as well but the thing that stood out the most was how this man celebrated life, he would let you grieve, complain, even pout for a little while but he would soon let you know you needed to get on with living your life.

We celebrated pastor Dom's life with a few family members who were encouraging us as they grieved in their hearts, not for him, but for those of us who have to wait to see him again on the other side.

We left encouraged to continue with life's every day battles, we left knowing we were a little bit better for having known this man and because of knowing Pastor Dom, we left encouraged to sow into peoples lives every where we go, both to those who think they need help and those who don't.

There is a reason I wanted to blog on this man, I think we all want to be remembered like Pastor Dom, I think we all need to be encouraged to live like him because he only wanted to live like Jesus.

That therein is the answer, live like Jesus, live life as a celebration, live life sowing into the lives of those no one else wants to sow into.

Pastor Dom Duarte, was very much loved, and he will be very much missed. He already is!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Busy Weekend coming!

from Jim:

This weekend we have Goodman Correctional Center for women on Friday evening, Tamara is heading up that team.

Saturday we will be ministering with Perry Shaw at Cabarrus Correctional Center, Joy will be doing mime with Perry bringing the Word.

Sunday we will be doing our first Sunday morning service (we usually do the evening service) at Tabor City Correctional Inst. where I will be bringing the Word and Lee, Denea, and Martha will be bring music.

Monday evening we will be back at Cabarrus with Joe bringing worship and Phillip bringing the Word.

Please keep all of these in prayer as this will be busy for us but we want to go where Father wants to take us.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Cabarrus Correctional Center

from Jim:

Great service tonight at Mt. Pleasant, The men from the Mt. Pleasant choir shared in song for us and one of the inmates shared about his son being hit by a truck and then walking away with out any harm to him which got the men excited.

Lee shared in song and about her brother who is not supposed to live much longer (BUT GOD!!! can change all that) and how he is witnessing to everyone he sees.

Lori spoke encouragement to the men just as she is so well known for.

Denae gave testimony about someone who gave their life to Jesus because of a song, then had Lee sing the song she had previously sang about the names of God, then Denae sang a song about personal revival.

Perry then brought the word which culminated in everyone in the chapel falling on their knees in prayer.

I had the honor of closing out in prayer!

Great evening, those of you who can go but do not are really missing seeing how Jesus moves in the lives of the inmates (and us). NO CONDEMNATION! I'm just say'n :-)

Friday, May 7, 2010

Stonewall Jackson YDC

from Kevin:

Tonight at Stonewall Jackson we had a group discussion on Proverbs 14. (A somewhat risky move with teenage boys!) Even the staff was impressed with the insight the guys came up with! It went so well that a lot of the guys were upset when the time ran out. Thank God for hunger for the truth!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Swannanoa CCW

from Jim:

Great service at Swannanoa Correctional Center for Women this morning, we started out with prayer as usual with Martha following in songs of praise and worship.

Victoria spoke to the women with a great word of encouragement that spoke directly to the needs of many women who were present.

Danny then brought a very short word followed by songs that spoke directly to all of us as we worshiped together,

Don finished the service speaking to all of us about "Fear Not", he spoke to our hearts concerning carrying fear when we should completely trust in Him who we believe in. When we worry or carry things ourselves, we do not completely trust God as we so often tell others.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


From Jim:

This week we still have Stonewall Jackson YDC on Thursday evening, (we need volunteers for this weekly ministry) and Cabarrus Corr. Ctr. volunteer appreciation dinner on the same date, Sunday Morning we will be going into Swannaoa Correctional Inst for women, please keep these things in prayer as we go.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Stonewall Jackson YDC

From Kevin:

Tonight at Stonewall Jackson I spoke with the boys about the Ten Commandments and that at the heart of them is God looking out for our best interest. Many times it's not easy to follow God's rules and sometimes it will cost you, but it's always worth it. God didn't give us commands so we could have a relationship with Him, He gave us a relationship with Him so we could follow His commands.

Cabarrus Correctional Center

From Cabarrus Correctional Center"

You are cordially invited to

Come Help Us
Celebrate !


DATE: April 29th, 2010

TIME: 6:00 p.m.


P.O. BOX 158
MT. PLEASANT, N.C. 28124
(704) 436-6519 or E-Mail

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Stonewall Jackson YDC

From Kevin:

Last Thursday I spoke to the guys at Stonewall Jackson about how God likes to choose the weak and foolish things to confound the wise. I shared with them the stories of Moses, Gideon and others who most of us would have never picked to do the things they did. Moses was a murderer and afraid to go alone. Gideon hid at night to thresh wheat when the Midianites were terrorizing the land and need repeated signs to give him courage, yet the angel of the Lord called him a mighty warrior before he ever drew his sword. God doesn't just see us as we are or what we have been. He also sees what we can and will be! All of these young men have done terrible things to be where they are today, but God is focused on what they can be! How do you view those that are locked away? Not only do we need to see them as God sees them, but as God sees us... mighty warriors!

Monday, April 12, 2010

This weeks ministries

Jim reports:

Please keep our ministries in prayer for this week.

We will start out tonight with our second monthly meeting at Cabarrus Correctional Center. This unit has become harder to get into for us as volunteers over the last few months, things like new staff, new officers, and changing around many of the staff to other positions.
All that to say this: we have had problems getting some of our volunteers in because of small issues and we need favor with the staff at the gate house when we show up for services.
Some other ministries have been sent home, some have been detained for almost half of the service time they were scheduled.
We will have our local chapter of the Christian Motorcyclist Association as guests tonight, they will sing, bring testimony, and preach the Word of God and we need favor to get them in.

Thursday we will have Cabarrus Correctional Center again with Dog and Butterfly leading that team in for service. Again, please remember them in prayer for the same reasons.

Also we will have our regular weekly meeting at Stonewall Jackson School for the boys with small group discussion, please pray for new volunteers in this institution.

And on Sunday we will have Samarkand Manor in Eagle Springs, NC. There are both boys and girls at this unit now and we can use your help there also. Colleen will head up that team and has been doing a wonderful job. Thanks Colleen!

Please pray for favor, pray the inmates (and youth) will receive what God wants them to receive, pray we as volunteers will be obedient to Holy Spirit, and pray the officers and staff will receive as well.

Thank you for supporting us in prayer and your finances, we love you!

Southern Correctional Inst. (womens)

Jim's report:

Joel preached last night at Southern Correctional Inst. in Troy, NC with us to over 100 female inmates. 28 women ran to the front when the altar-call was given, and fell on their knees weeping and repenting. 15-20 received the baptism in the Holy Spirit, about 12 women received instant healing in their bodies.

Joel will be leaving us to return to Rescue Atlanta. He worked with them a few years back and he along with Pat, both feel God is telling them to return. We will miss them but will see them from time to time as they return for different ministry opportunities.

Please keep them in prayer so they will continue to prosper in ministry and in business.

They will be missed!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Cabarrus Correctional Center

From Jim:

Wonderful service tonight at Mt, Pleasant, Don opened with something God showed him this morning while studying and praying.

Martha then sang with her usual uplifting style that led the guys into a time of worship and praise.

Brenda closed the service with a word about making it all the way through the situation we are in, trusting in Jesus to help us make it through with out falling or becoming discouraged.

All in all, a great service (as usual) at Cabarrus Correctional Center.

This week in ministry

Jim's report:

The services at Tabor City Correctional Inst. went well last night, we had a great time of ministry with Don and Victoria, Denea, Lee, Joy, and myself. There was great expectation as the service started with Victoria giving a word of encouragement, Denae led us in intimate worship, and Rev Lee brought a strong word. God sure came down as we worshipped our way into His presence.

Tonight is Cabarrus Correctional Center with our usual Monday night service.

Thursday we have Stonewall Jackson YDC small group meetings, we can use new people to help with this as the boys love having us come and spend time with them. We also will have new opportunity to go into other areas within the unit as our team of volunteers increases.

Saturday Pastor David will be going into Cabarrus Correctional with a team from his church (Lighthouse of Lewisville) to minister to the inmates.

Next Sunday evening there will be teams going back into Stonewall Jackson for monthly services as well as a team going into Southern Correctional Inst. for women.

Please keep these teams and the inmates in prayer this week, we need the covering.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Cabarrus Correctional Center

Don's Report:

I was able to pray for salvation with several young men at Western Youth as I went cell to cell last night. also was encouraged to talk with several new converts who are doing well. Victoria gave a testimony in the chapel service. Tonight The Father's Heart team was at Cabarrus Correctional. We had many great testimonies... from the inmates and volunteers and Jim had a strong word on the fire of God. Let the fire fall!

SJS YDC and Western Youth Inst.

Kevin's testimony touches the lives of the volunteers as well as the inmates:

Over the past few weeks I've been dealing with some personal issues that many people find hard to believe and others feel like some of their questions have been answered! At present, I am being tested for ADD. I've been called lazy, forgetful, uncaring, rude, "are you stupid?" and my favorite... "what's wrong with you?". I'm still waiting on my test results, so there is no diagnosis yet. The doctor says it may be stress or even a combination of things. All I know is that whatever it is, it's got my attention. (No pun intended!)

After miserably failing my first test I was devastated. Let's just leave it at, it was a very bad day. As I was finishing up my paperwork that night at work I was doing two math problems in my head at the same time. (I've always been good with numbers and in the advanced math classes.) This only made me mad because I couldn't see how I could be so smart in one area and struggle so badly with simple tasks! I know I'm not stupid! Then God spoke. (Insert dramatic pause here.) He reminded me of the young men I work with every week in the prison system and how many of them have been labeled with ADD or something worse and how they must feel the same way I do about it. He then reminded me about the adoption process I am going through with the NC foster child program and how almost every child I look at has an alphabet soup of letters after their name of all the disorders and issues they face. God showed me that I can relate to these kids on a different level than most people because I've been there and I know what it is like. A lot like Jesus when he became one of us! What a difference it makes when we know someone understands us because they have been there, too!

This is what I have been sharing lately with the guys at Western Youth and Stonewall Jackson and the response has been humbling. When I looked out across the faces and saw the relief and the healing touch of God as I shared my weaknesses I saw even clearer how God turns our weaknesses into an opportunity to display His strength!

Does this mean I'm handicapped because I have issues? No, it simply means that I'm human. I've also discovered that whatever this thing is that I have, it has given me the ability to do things most others cannot! I can read scriptures out loud and prepare examples in my head or evaluate where I should be going next without missing a word! I can even look at a page full of numbers and know what they mean almost instantly. Funny how that works out for me, I own my on business and I preach! So, I don't look at whatever I have as a handicap, but an opportunity and in some ways a gift.

Romans 8:28 "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose." NIV

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Samarkand Manor YDC

From Colleen:

We had a small group (only 4) minister at Samarkand on Sunday, but it was an opportunity for more intimate discussion and teaching with the students there. Chrystal and Eric were both able to share a bit (both talked about the lasting change brought by Jesus...not planned ahead of time, I love that!) Thanks Holy Ghost! Denea also ministered and played her always requested "Change Me" song...there was definitely a theme.
One young man brought out pictures he had drawn of Jesus on the cross and a warrior angel. What an awesome gift God has given him...we are praying that it will continue to be used for God's glory!

Because we only have 1 hour and 15 minutes with each group, one on one time is usually limited. However, we had almost 30 minutes to talk with the girls in the second service; time that is so valuable to really understand the girls and show them how valuable they are. We talked about goals (finishing school, moving on to college, resisting temptation, etc.) and prayed for them to be complete in the lives Jesus has purchased for them with his precious blood. We know the words we speak can encourage them to seek God, and the Word is God. We are always praying that these teens will have a true encounter with the One who doesn't just speak life but GIVES life.

Thank you all so much for your prayers and support!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Lincoln Correctional Center

From Jim:

Tonight we went to Lincoln CC with Abundant Joy Ministries (headed up by Perry Shaw) and had a great time.

Don opened the service with encouragement and prayer.

Jeff and Crystal led us in Worship while Perry encouraged the men to enter into real worship and not just lip service.

Lori gave the men a word of encouragement along with some of her testimony.

Martha sang a couple of songs which brought those who were there to become excited as she usually does.

I spoke for a while on being hungry for God and being truly desperate for His presence and then Perry followed it up with a word about getting rid of the things that keep us from God's presence.

Perry gave the alter call and half of the inmates came forward for prayer and re dedication.

We are looking forward to going back and are praying for services to open up to The Father's Heart for our own service dates, please help us pray.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Stonewall Jackson YDC

Kevin reports:

Last Sunday me and Don went to Stonewall Jackson and ministered to the guys there. I shared about how I recently had a revelation on taking responsibility for how I allow people to make their problems my problems. We can't let people or situations be excuses for our failures or shortcomings. Don shared on what real freedom is. I think the guys got a lot out of it by the looks on their faces and their questions and comments. Don has such a gift to make difficult things easy to grasp!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Stonewall Jackson YDC

Coming soon to a Youth Detention Center near you:

We will be doing an all day event at Stonewall Jackson YDC in May, we will spend the day ministering one on one to the boys through several different programs, one will be feeding them hot dogs and hamburgers grilled out on site, we will also be bringing in motorcycles and classic cars for the boys to look over.

This gives us a chance to talk to them about other things to help get them off of the streets and out of the gangs, it also gives us a chance to introduce them to Jesus.

We will be playing games with them and then there will be music and someone who will bring them the word of God.

There are many, many opportunities to be a part of this outreach, you can come and help cook, you can bring a car or motorcycle, you can come and witness, or even play games with them.

The date is (now confirmed) May 22, 2010 and will start around 10:00 am and will end up between 3:00 and 4:00 pm.

Come and be a part of this great outreach to these young men, call us at the office to let us know if you want to volunteer!
704-786-4511 or email at

Friday, March 12, 2010

Stonewall Jackson YDC

Kevin reports:

Last night me and Don went to Stonewall Jackson and ministered to the young men there. I spoke about Jesus, the Word of Life. I was able to share part of my testimony and explained to them that signs and wonders and literally hearing God's voice do not automatically give us faith. It is the revelation knowledge that God really loves us that changes us and gives us a faith that cannot be moved!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Up coming ministries

From Jim:

Don't forget to be praying for the up coming ministries for next week, we will be ministering at:

Tamara, will be leading her team into Swannaoa Correctional Inst. for women on Sunday morning the 7th of March.

Don will be leading his team into Cabarrus Correctional Center for men on Monday the 8th with a team from Fort Mill, SC.

Kevin will be leading his team into Stonewall Jackson YDC for young men on Thursday the 11th.

David Frankenfield will be leading a team from The Lighthouse Church in Lewisville, NC into Cabarrus Correctional on Saturday evening the 13th.

And we will be starting all over again next week with Kevin going back into the Sunday service at Stonewall Jackson YDC for their monthly service to the young boys.

Please remember these services in prayer, not only for the teams but also the inmates, staff, and anyone else who will be involved as we go in to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to those who can not go into churches on the outside.

Saturday morning the 6th of March

From Jim:

I just had a great meeting with a church in Charlotte, Perry Shaw invited me to come with him to the church where he attended for years after he gave his life to Christ.

We met for breakfast with the church men's group for their men's fellowship and meeting, it was an awesome time where I was able to meet many more men of like heart. After the prayer we shared a breakfast of muffins, home made biscuits and gravy, country ham and coffee. Doesn't this make you hungry?

Afterwards we met in a classroom where Perry and I were able to share about the ministry to prisons, we shared about the need for the inmates, the need for volunteers, and the need for a real commitment to not only prisons but to where ever God calls us and how important it is to get involved in the lives of those less fortunate than us.

After the meeting we were led out by song and a prayer from 2 gentleman from Africa, it was so awesome, it was such a blessing to be among these men of God and to meet some who want to become involved. We are looking forward to working with new volunteers from Trinity Fellowship Church in Charlotte ( ), please pray for God's leading for these men of God.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Western Youth Correctional Inst.

Jim reports:

I was privileged to go into Western Youth last night with Kevin as he led the team consisting of Don and Victoria, Scott, Kevin, Joy, and myself.

We had special guests from Living Faith Church in Spindale, NC with us for the chapel service.

Their choir ministered powerfully with several selections, this choir is all men who minister through the Yokefellow ministry who meet each Monday evening at Western Youth. They minister in small group settings similar to what Kevin leads at Stonewall Jackson YDC. Their choir was well received and was also able to sing with the prison choir in a couple of selections of their own.

Special guest Joe English (former drummer for Paul McCartney and his band WINGS) shared from Mathew 16:26 For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? Joe gave testimony of having money, power, and all the things the world has to offer and of how it leaves you empty without Jesus. Joe spoke from personal knowledge of Jesus saving power in his own life and 26 young men gave their lives to Christ during the alter call.

Don and Scott went into the lock up on the 12th floor to minister to the boys and pray with them, both Don and Scott shared of how God had ministered salvation to every one who they talked to and prayed with. After leaving the 12th floor both Don and Scott went to the minimum custody prison next door and ministered to a group of young men there, where Scott reported seeing the power of God work through both of them as they ministered the Word of God.

This was a very different, but very good ministry for all who attended.

Goodman Correctional Inst.

Jim reports:

Saturday evening Tamara led her team into the Goodman Correctional Inst. for women in Columbia, SC for our first service under The Father's Heart Ministries banner, several of us have been involved in services there in the past under another ministry's covering but this was the first one for us.

We started off with the chaplain opening the service and welcoming us, then their choir sang a selection for us.

Perry was our MC for the evening and after encouraging the women, Perry introduced me as the founder (actually it was the Holy Spirit), and director of the ministry. I shared some on who we are as a ministry and when we started, along with trying to encourage the women who were present.

Perry and Joy did a skit on "The Lords Prayer" that exposes religion and our lack of understanding of how important prayer really is and how we take prayer for granted.

Cheryl, gave testimony concerning where she came from and what led her to her former lifestyle, when she committed her life to Jesus, and where God has been taking her in her walk with Him. The women were able to truly identify with Cheryl's testimony as some of them have been where Cheryl had been before Jesus led her out of sin, into a life of victory.

Perry introduced Tamara and she ministered powerfully on the love that God has for us as His children. When Tamara gave the alter call the alter was full, Tamara, Joy, Lynette, and Cheryl ministered to each of the women who came up for prayer.

Chaplain Lewis then closed out the service after letting us know how much he enjoyed the service and welcoming us back for future services.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Western Youth Correctional Inst.

Sunday evening at Western Youth Corr. Inst. we will have a guest with us, his name is Joe English and he used to be Paul McCartneys drummer when he was with Wings.

We were asked if we could allow him some time during our regular scheduled service. Joe has a tremendous testimony and we are looking forward to meeting him and hearing his testimony, Joe works with Yokefellows but will be joining us this time.

We will still have teams going up to the lock up area where we will be allowed to minister one on one, those going into lock up have seen much fruit as in deliverance and salvations.

Please pray for the teams as we go.

Stonewall Jackson YDC

Kevin reports:

Tonight at SJS we ministered on the person of Jesus Christ. The biggest surprise was that a lot of the guys thought we are below the angels. We were able to show them that God loves us as His children, not just as His servants!

On Thursday evenings Kevin leads a team into the youth detention center to minister in small groups, they minister on many different subjects, many different life issues, and other things that concern them, while ministering the Gospel of Jesus Christ to them one on one. This team bears much fruit for the Kingdom of God.

There have been a lot of life changes in the young boys there due to the volunteers being faithful but their team is very small and they could use some help. There is more opportunity to go into other buildings (other small groups) within the SJS compound as the team grows, so if you feel you may have something to offer the team as they minister to the youth there, please call the office or Kevin and we will make arrangements for you to become a part of this life changing team.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The Father's Heart Ministries Web Site

The Father's Heart Web Site has been updated but still needs some future work, David Poindexter worked really hard to make all of this happen and we are extremely grateful for all he has done.

Please check it out at:
and if you need website work or a new website, visit him at:

Thank you David, you are a real blessing!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Samarkand Manor YDC/Tabor City Corr. Inst.

Jim Reports:

Up at 5:00 am, left for Samarkand Manor at 7:00 and the day began:

Kevin led us into the unit with 10 volunteers to minister to the young boys and girls, I think some of us were more ministered to than the residents, Kevin's report is just below this one.

After leaving the Youth Detention Center, we went to lunch together and then 5 of us went into Southern Pines to meet with several friends of the ministry who are in the same type of ministry themselves. We spent about an hour with them after which we prayed together and left for Tabor City with Perry and Dolly Shaw along with Lori Smith.

We arrived in Tabor City at 6:10 pm, checked in, and went directly into the service. We had a packed house as usual, this inmate church is growing so fast there is no room for those who want to come into the services and anyone who shows up a minute too late is usually turned away (we could use prayer for a larger chapel room) since their seating capacity is only 105, in a prison that houses 1,500 inmates.

There was a feeling of expectancy in the air and we were not disappointed. I had the job as MC for the evening, Lori gave a word of encouragement, Joy and Perry did a skit and then Perry gave a strong word (I have ministered with Perry for about 16 years and never saw him minister with this strong of an anointing on his message).

There were 6 salvation's and more hands up for re commitment than we could count, all in all, a great day.

It was a long day as we rolled into my driveway at midnight (Perry still had an hours drive ahead of him), but it was so worth it since we now have new family in the Kingdom as well as many more with new direction and commitment from and to our Lord Jesus. Praise God!

Please continue to pray for The Father's Heart (and the inmates we minister to), we need your prayer support as well as your financial support, we could have all the financial support in the world (we don't have much of that either) but it would be of little use without the prayers of people who love us, the ministry, and those who still need to hear about Jesus.

God Bless you, Jim

Samarkand Manor YDC

Kevin reports:

Today at Samarkand our team ministered in two services. The first was with the young men. We had ten come out which is double the numbers we have been having! We saw a lot of breakthrough in trust and openness today. Several volunteers shared testimonies and what was on their heart. The recurring theme seemed to be change. The effects of the today's service was obvious as some where fighting back tears while others where wanting to be hugged. (For those not familiar with ministering to males locked up, this was a very big deal!)

In the girl's service there were testimonies about being hurt and the need to forgive those who have hurt us. I was the main speaker and spoke guessed it...what forgiveness is not! No one planned this, or knew what the others were planning to say! Another testimony to God's faithfulness!

Camille Griffith Graham (Women's Maximum Security prison)

Tamara reports:

Worship with the ladies at Camille Griffin Graham in Columbia, SC on Saturday night brought us all to the feet of Jesus! Bruce led the service, Martha led worship, and we heard powerful testimonies and encouragement from Brenda, Patricia, and Lynette. I delivered a prophetic message on the passionate love Jesus has, as Bridegroom King, for his Bride. The ladies were exhorted to come up higher in the Lord and seek this place as his cherished Bride. Almost all came for prayer to have this kind of intimate relationship with our Father God. I am keeping them up in prayer to continue to seek God in this way!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Sunday the 21st

Jim Reports:

A team is going to Samarkand Manor tomorrow in the morning, some of us will be leaving from there and going to Tabor City Correctional Inst. for tomorrow evenings service with Perry and Dolly Shaw and their ministry.

This will be an incredibly long day for five of us as we will be getting up around 5:00 am and getting home around 1:00 am Monday morning, please pray for both teams (Samarkand Manor and Tabor City) as we go.

We will report on both teams as soon as possible.

Thanks for the prayers, Jim

Samarkand Manor YDC

Colleen Zychowicz

Reports: A team of volunteers is going to Samarkand tomorrow to minister to teen boys and girls...please pray with us :) THANK YOU!!!!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Southern Correctional Inst. (womens)

Tamara reports:

Yesterday I went to Southern Correctional in Troy, NC to help with their dance ministry. They practice on Thursdays and it is an incredible blessing to watch them rehearse and also give some instruction.
I have been teaching them a dance to the song, "Show Me Your Way." One of the ladies was getting released soon and she was so excited about doing the dance. She ran over to me at the end of practice and said, "dancing to that song made me feel alive again, thank you, thank you!" Another lady kept saying, "I love that song - I don't know why I like it so much."

One of the lines in the song is "the cry of my heart is to love you more." I replied that it's because that truly IS the cry of your heart and God knows that - He sees that cry of your heart and it is beautiful to him. I couldn't stop worshipping God driving home and all afternoon.

If you, or anyone you know. would like to help give this kind of instruction to the ladies at Southern, please contact me!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Up and coming for The Father's Heart

Jim reports:

Thursday we have Dog & Butterfly going into Cabarrus Correctional Ctr. at 6:30 pm while Kevin will lead another team into Stonewall Jackson YDC around the same time.

We will have Tamara leading a team to Southern Correctional Inst. (women's unit) on Saturday evening and Coleen will lead a team to Samarkand YDC (for young girls) on Sunday morning.

Jim & Joy will be joining Perry Shaw at Tabor City Correctional Inst. on Sunday evening through his ministry (we still partner with other ministers, and ministries as they partner with us).

On Monday the 22nd we will be at Southern Correctional Inst for our orientation for this year.

Please keep all of these in prayer.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Stonewall Jackson YDC

Kevin reports:

Last night our team went to Stonewall Jackson Youth Development Center in Concord and ministered in the new building for the first time. Ceaser shared for a few minutes on his desire to get to know these guys and be someone they can count on to be there for them. Then Don ministered on Jesus the Hope of Glory. His example of which is better, getting riches while locked up or after you get out and comparing it to which is better, rewards in this life or in the life to come really opened up some of the students eyes to where our real hope should lie.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Goodman Correctional Center for women

Jim Reports:

Tamara received the new dates today for Goodman Correctional Center for women in Columbia,SC.

This is a new unit for The Father's Heart ministries, we have been ministering there for many years under another ministry but the door has just opened for us to go in as The Father's Heart.

We have been praying about this door to be opened in God's time, not ours and we believe the time is now right.

The women there seem to be really open to the gospel and we have been received very well every time we go in there.

Chaplain Lewis seems to have built a church behind the walls and God is changing lives in this church, the women seem really excited to receive the Word of God and respond well to His leading, this makes us excited as well since we can now become a part of God's church behind the walls in this unit.

The dates are as follows:

Sat. Feb. 27, 7 - 8:30 p.m.

Fri. May 28, 7:30 - 9:20 p.m.

Sat. Aug. 21, 7:30 - 9:20 p.m.

Fri. Oct. 22, 7 - 8:30 p.m.

Call the office or Tamara and come join us!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Stonewall Jackson Youth (Detention Center)

Don Philemon reports for Kevin Jewell:

The Father's Heart Team was at Stonewall Jackson Training School tonight doing small group ministry. We were talking about what we are worth when a young man told me his mother tried to sell him for $1500 when he was young. When I explained to them that our value is determined by The price God was willing to pay for us, his eyes filled with tears.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Cabarrus Correctional Center (Mt. Pleasant)

Jim Reports:

Awesome service tonight, Denea Allman led us into the Father's presence with a very anointed time of guitar worship.

Don spent a little time letting the guy's know how much we appreciate what they have at this unit. It is hard to find that kind of atmosphere in most churches.

Joel Crumpton spoke on the Holy Spirit and several men responded with 4 of them receiving the baptism in the Holy Spirit. All in all, it was a great service tonight.

Swannanoa Correctional Center (women's unit)

Tamara Jarvis reports:

Lots of snow and ice didn't keep 24 women from meeting to worship Jesus
yesterday at Swannanoa Correctional Center, a minimum security women's
prison in Black Mountain, NC. We go to this particular facility the first
Sunday of each month, so it is a blessing to see familiar faces and how they
are growing in the Lord.
Team leader Perry Shaw brought Brenda Cathey, Lori Smith, Lisa Harvel
and Martha Moore. Martha and Brenda ushered in the presence of God in song.
Lisa shared a powerful testimony of God's healing from rape and abuse, and
delivered a message to "press in and press on." The ladies were deeply
ministered to, with more than half coming for personal prayer and ministry
at the close of the service.
We return next month on March 7.

Stonewall Jackson Youth (detention center)

Don Philemon reports for Kevin Jewell;

We ministered on Thursday evening to the young men at Jacksion Training School. We had small group discusion on the return of Jesus Christ. What a great subject! The boys were very interested and ask many questions. Never forget , Jesus is coming again!

Tabor City Correctional Inst.

Don Philemon reports:

The Father's Heart team had another great service at Tabor City Correctional. Aprox. 95 inmates joined us even with the Super Bowl going on. Thanks Lee and Victoria for your ministry. We must repent of our sin not the consequences of our failure. When we are remorseful for the times we sinned and were successful, we are truly repentant. It was truly a blessing to see how enthusiastic the inmates were how they were touched by the message.

New Covenant Church

Jim reports:

We had an awesome time ministering at the "New Covenant Church" yesterday morning, God showed up and we had a full alter, many repenting, many seeking direction and encouragment, Had a wonderful time of prayer afterwards that left us wanting more. The youth came up and we prayed for them as they are our next generation who will lead our country, prayed for the youth leaders, and for the individual needs of the people. They had a "Super Bowl Sunday" lunch afterwards where we were able to fellowship with most who were in the service. They have grown much (both in people and their new building) since the last time I was there and I am looking forward to going back soon. Blessings to all, Jim

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Upcoming Events etc. for the week of 2/7/10

Jim reports:

Please pray for our teams this week as Kevin leads a team tonight at 6:30 pm, into Stonewall Jackson Youth Academy (detention center) they will be ministering in small groups to the youth by Bible study and or sharing what God has laid on their hearts.

On Sunday Morning the 7th I will be ministering at New Covenant Church in Gastonia, NC, Tamara will be leading a team to Swannanoah Correctional Ctr. Sunday morning, and Don will be heading up a team Sunday evening at Tabor City Correctional Inst. Sunday evening.
Monday the 8th Don will again be leading our team into Cabarrus Correctional Center. at 6:30 pm.
Kevin will again have a team going back into Stonewall Jackson on Thursday evening the 11th at 6:30 pm.
David Frankenfield taking a team into Cabarrus Correctional Center Saturday evening the 13th.

We also have mandatory training for our volunteers at Cabarrrus Correctional Center on Saturday the 6th, at Southern Correctional Inst. Monday the 8th, and Tabor City Correctional Inst. on Tuesday the 9th and Thursday the 11th.

We covet your prayers and support as we go into the places we are needed most.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Monday night at Cabarrus Correctional Center

Jim reports:

At the very last minute (Actually 2 hours before service) we received a call telling us our team that was scheduled for the Monday night service canceled, thank God for dedicated people who are willing to fill in at the last minute (thank you Perry, Dolly and Lori). With Don, Victoria, and myself we made up a team of 6. God showed up greatly and showed Himself more than faithfull again.

We could not find anyone who was able (at the last minute) to come for some reason or the other to do music and or worship for us, most wanted to but were unable to but it turns out that God being who He is, worked it all out for His good. The men were greatly encouraged through their own, and our teams testimonies after which Perry brought a good word that stirred hearts. Needles to say, we had a great time and were encouraged ourselves.

Please help us pray for this camp as the inmate praise team was missing tonight we want them to be a part of our services when we come (They are very talented). I will try to find out what we need to do to help them become a part of our services as well as their own (inmates are allowed to do their own services from time to time at this camp), again please pray!

All in all it was a great evening, and as usual, we can't wait to go back.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Something to think about!

What would keep us from walking in our anointings and giftings?

Maybe we become too much like the world.

Rom 12:2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

Maybe we want too much of what the world offers.

Mar 4:18 And these are they which are sown among thorns; such as hear the word,
Mar 4:19 And the cares of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches, and the lusts of other things entering in, choke the word, and it becometh unfruitful.

Maybe we don’t rightly examine ourselves.

Heb 8:12 For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more.

Maybe we see ourselves as the enemy does instead of how God sees us.

Mar 16:15 - 18 And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel
to every creature.
He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be
And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils;
they shall speak with new tongues;
They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.

Joh 15:14 – 16 Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you.
Henceforth I call you not servants; for the servant knoweth not what his lord doeth: but I
have called you friends; for all things that I have heard of my Father I have made known
unto you.
Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you.

Maybe we are not in one accord as the church body.

Acts 2:1 - 4 And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one
Accord in one place.
And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled
all the house where they were sitting.
And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of
And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.

Maybe we have become weary.

Gal 6:7 - 9 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that
shall he also reap.
For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to
the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.
And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.
By Jim Kent

Samarkand Manor Youth Detention Center

Colleen Zychowicz;
Ministry at Samarkand Manor (teen facility in Eagle Springs) has expanded to include a group of boys as well as girls. Of course, they are housed separately. Some young men have been transfered from local facilities (most are from Stonewall Jackson) and already know some of our volunteers. This is an opportunity for us to maintain established relationships and continue to speak the love of God into these boys' lives. We hope to see them transformed in the midst of their situation and continuing to grow in Christ when they are released.

The girls (17 of them) are all together in one house and are struggling to share their space...this is difficult for them as they were previously in small groups of less than 10. Please pray for peace in their lives! Pray against a spirit of bitterness and strife that keeps them in conflict with one another instead of becoming encouragers and leaders. They have all been emotionally wounded which makes it even harder for them to trust and form healthy relationships, but we know this is where Jesus is glorified.
As we are consistent in our message and character, many of the girls have opened up their hearts to Jesus and have been in honest conversation with us about their needs and concerns. One of the girls has been praying for the needs of volunteers! She has actually been released and is staying with her aunt and uncle, both of whom are Christians. She was accepted to a local community college and plans on studying law. Lives are redeemed and transformed by Jesus.

Your prayers are SO APPRECIATED and necessary to continue the ministry that God has for these young people. They need consistency and honesty, something few of them have seen or learned. As Christians we are the living example of Christ, the ONLY name by which we are saved, and the only one who can truly show these teens their worth and secure their future.

Colleen Zychowicz corordinates all services for Samarkand Manor Youth Detention Center for the third Sunday morning church services

Monday, January 25, 2010

Southern Correctional Inst. (Men)

Don Philemon;
I took the team from The Father's Heart Ministries To Southern Correctional last night. We had a powerful service with about 20 men attending. David Poindexter led us in a great time of worship and Jim Kent gave an encouraging word that stired the hearts of everyone present. We can overcome every obstacle with God who empowers us.

Don Philemon schedules all men's services for The Father's Heart